Mastery Based Grading System

The course contents are divided up into a number of topics, and students have multiple attempts to master all the topics without any penalty throughout the quarter.

Calculus I course is divided into 23 topics, and there are 8 weekly quizzes throughout the quarter in which students will have their first attempt on mastering two or three topics at a time. Except the first quiz, during each quiz, students can also have their second attempt on some topics which they miss on their first attempt. For example, student A misses topic 3 on their first attempt, they can try that topic again in the next weekly quiz. For third attempt of any topics, students will have to consult with the instructor during office hours or appointment before trying to master it again. Each topic will be graded according to an “all or nothing” policy; either the student has demonstrated that they’ve mastered the topic or that they have not yet mastered the topic. A student that demonstrates mastery on a topic will not be tested on that topic again until the final. The grading of the in-class quizzes will be tough (and no partial credit will be given) since it is an indication of whether the student has mastered the material or not. The benefit of this system is that students are not punished if they fail to master a topic, but over the course of the semester demonstrate that they’ve mastered the topic. On the first attempt of each topic, in case of non-mastery, you will be given feedback, not a numerical score.

After 8 quizzes are completed, each student will have a number of mastered topics. The percentage of mastered topics is the in-class quiz score for that student and will account for 45% of the course grade. For example, if a student has mastered 18 out of 23 topics, their score for the in-class quiz assignment is 78%. There is no penalty for mastering a topic on the second, or third exam after failing to do so on previous quizzes. If students demonstrate that they’ve mastered a topic at any point during the semester, they receive full credit for doing so.

How to master a topic?

· 1st attempt: in-class, via weekly quizzes

How to study: watch video lectures; attempt WebAssign problem set#1; attend class to master topics; complete WebAssign problem set#2; attend office hours; visit the TLC if need help.

· 2nd attempt: in-class, the following week after the first attempt

How to study: re-correct the problem on the quiz, write down solutions to WebAssign post-set problems on paper, then bring those solutions to the next quiz; attend office hours; visit the TLC if need help.

· 3rd attempt: during office hours or appointments

How to study: re-correct the 2nd attempt problem, consult with the instructor; attend office hours; visit the TLC if need extra help.