About Me

Assistant Teaching Professor

University of Washington Tacoma

Email: thand65@uw.edu


Duong Than, MS.

I'm a math educator who is passionate about conveying ideas of mathematics to everyone. I enjoy exploring variety of methods of teaching as well as developing evidence-based, innovative and inclusive pedagogy. More importantly, I love to convince people that learning math can be fun by developing math games and activities.  Further more, I love to communicate the why of mathematics by connecting mathematics with real world applications. As I always tell my students " My main objective of teaching is to convince you that you now have some mathematical tools to solve some of the real world applications, even just simple ones such as estimating the volume of your favorite vase, minimizing the cost of building a shed, finding the number of mutual friends in a network, maximizing a travel bag, etc.  Last but not least, I enjoy hosting mathematics festivals where children and parents can have fun exploring mathematical & logical thinking by participating in math theme games and  activities.  


My Grandmother (1937 - 2022)

Enjoying her casual ride to the beach in my hometown, Danang, Vietnam. 2022 

My sister was at the Denver botanical garden, 2016.

Having breakfast with my parents and sister in Proctor district, WA 2019. It was my parents' first visit to the US.

With my partner in-crime, Adam, at the one of my favorite places in Colorado, Red Rock amphitheater, summer 2021. 


Elizabeth Andreas

This picture was taken at UW Tacoma in 2019 while Elizabeth was presenting her capstone project on Mathematical Analysis of Neuron Propagation. She was my first undergraduate advisee which meant so much to me.  I was very fortunate to witness mathematics growing in her since her first day at UWT.  I still remember the last of class in Calculus I when she told me "I just submitted paper to switch from Bio-med to Math major". 

Elizabeth is a Ph.D candidate at The Montana State University.  

Min Li & Haoyu Wang 

This picture was taken at UW Tacoma 2020, right before the COVID-19 pandemic started. Haoyu & Min were presenting their capstone project on Predicting Survival Chances on the TITANIC Using Classification Algorithms. I really admired their work ethic and determination to succeed as international students who learn English and advanced Mathematics at the same time.  

In 2022, Min received a master's degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Singapore. 

Haoyu is pursuing a graduate degree at NorthEastern University.