Calculus I 

Hello all, welcome to Calculus I class. In this page, materials are organized in UW Google Drive  for your easy access. That means, you will need to log on using UW netID to use open most links. 

Prerequisite Refresher

Pre-Calculus Refresher :  some pre-Calculus topics                                            

Algebra Refreshersome algebra skills


Weekly Agenda & Updates 


List of video lectures

List of lecture notes

List of problem sets

Online Practice Problems 

CheckIt Website: Calculus for Team Based Inquiry Learning  

Click on the Select a learning outcome  tab to pick a topic in Calculus that you'd like to practice. There are multiple questions with answers included in each topic. 

Mastery Based Grading System 

How Does It Work?

Strategies for a success

List of Topics

Video lectures and online practices